Main elements of the balanid shells, and terminology applied to them. (a) Right anterior, anterior upper (ventral) and lower (dorsal) views of a specimen of Austromegabalanus psittacus. (b) Transversal thin section of a methacrylate-embedded specimen of A. psittacus, close to the ventral side; the paries of the right rostromarginal plate is lacking (grey area). The red arrows indicate the growth directions of the radii and alae. The thick arrows indicate the outer boundaries between wall plates. (c) Partial ventrolateral view of a specimen of A. psittacus. (d) Interior of a specimen of Perforatus perforatus. The red arrows indicate the growth directions of the sheath and ala. a, ala; as, articular surface for the adjacent ala; BP, basal plate; C, carina; CM, carinomarginal plate; cr, crenulation; gl, growth line; gm, growth margin; p, paries; R, rostrum; r, radius; RM, rostromarginal plate; s, sheath; sc, scutum; t, tergum.