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. 2019 Jul 30;23(5):615–626. doi: 10.1007/s40291-019-00417-x

Table 1.

Potential biomarkers of neurogenic inflammation and neuroinflammation in complex regional pain syndrome

Biomarkers Cellular or soluble Acquisition Type of inflammation Use in diagnosis of CRPS a Use in management of CRPSb
Local markers
Central microglial activation Not applicable [11C]-(R)-PK11195-PET Neuroinflammation ? ?
Systemic markers
CGRP Soluble Venous blood Neurogenic + ?
SP Soluble Venous blood Neurogenic ? ?

CGRP calcitonin gene-related peptide, CRPS complex regional pain syndrome, PET positron emission tomography, SP substance P, + indicates a possible role as a biomarker in the diagnosis and/or management of CRPS, ? indicates that insufficient information is currently available to determine a possible role as a biomarker in the diagnosis and/or management of CRPS

aThe biomarker aids the (early) diagnosis of this disease and/or it could be used, together with phenotypical characterization, to identify the underlying mechanisms of disease for selection of therapies

bThe biomarker could be used to monitor disease activity and/or effects of therapy