Negative for OCS
Text makes no mention of OCS |
Text states that patient does not have OCS |
Text states that patient has either compulsions or obsessions, not both, and there is no information |
about any of the following: |
• Patient Distress |
• Obsessive or Compulsive symptoms described as egodystonic |
• Inability to stop Obsesions or Compulsions |
• Description of specific compulsions or specific obsessions |
• Patient Insight |
Text states that non-clinician observers (patient or family/friends) believe patient has obsessions |
or compulsions without describing YBOCS symptoms |
Text includes hedge words -i.e., possibly, apparently, seems -that specifically refer to OCS keywords |
Text includes risky, risk-taking, or self-harm behaviours |
Text includes romantic or weight-related (food related) words that modify OCS Keywords |
Positive for OCS
Text states that patient has OCD features/OCD Symptoms |
Text states that patient has OCS |
Text includes hoarding, which was considered part of OCS, regardless of presence or absence of specific |
examples |
Text states that patient has at least 2 of the OCS keywords |
Text states that patient has either obsessive or compulsive or rituals or YBOCS and one of the following: |
• Obsessions or Compulsions are described as egodystonic |
• Intrusive, cause patient distress or excessive worrying/anxiety |
• Patient feels unable to stop obsessions or compulsions |
• Patient recognizes symptoms are irrational or senseless |
• Clinician provides specific YBOCS symptoms |
Text reports that patient has been diagnosed with OCD by clinician |