P. palmivora nuclear stretching correlates with rerouting toward nucleus-depleted hyphal segments. (A, video 7) Representative sequence of nuclear movements at a hyphal branch point, highlighting both A-type (nuclei N1 and N2) and P-type (nucleus N3) movements. Arrowheads indicate nuclei. (B to J) Analysis of nuclear speed and trajectories for nuclei N1 to N3. (B, E, and H) Maps of nuclear content in the vicinity of nuclei N1 (B), N2 (E), and N3 (H). Black arrows indicate nuclear movement. (C, F, and I) Nuclear trajectories of N1 (C), N2 (F), and N3 (I). Locations of nuclei N1 to N3 at first (0 s), intermediate (135 s), and last (210 s) time points are shown in blue, red, and magenta, respectively. Nuclear centroids are represented as dots. Arrows indicate instantaneous speed and direction of the movement. Average nucleus speed is indicated on the graph. (D, G, and J) Variation of instantaneous speed with time for nuclei N1 (D), N2 (G), and N3 (J). Average speed in shown as a red dotted line. Representative pictures of nucleus shape over time are shown above the graphs with arrows indicating direction of the movement. Bar, 10 μm.