Figure 7.
Kaplan-Meier survival curves of hub DEGs in weighted co-expression networks. Notes: Overall survival stratified by C10orf71 (A), MB (B), NRAP (C), AC104831.1(D), APOBEC2 (E),CKM (F), LMOD2 (G), MYOT (H), MYOZ1 (I) and NEB (J). Abbreviation: C10orf71, chromosome 10 open reading frame 71;MB, myoglobin; NRAP, nebulin related anchoring protein; APOBEC2, apolipoprotein B mRNA editing enzyme catalytic subunit 2; CKM, creatine kinase, M-type; LMOD2, leiomodin 2; MYOT, myotilin; MYOZ1, myozenin 1; NEB, nebulin.