Figure 11.
The potential molecular functions of m6A-based modification of RNA in BRC cell. m6A RNA methylation, known to be involved in all stages in the processing of RNA, is modulated by its “writers”, “readers” and “erasers”. m6A “writers” mainly refer to methylase complex (WTAP, KIAA1429, RBM15, METTL3 and METTL14), which add m6A modification on RNA, while m6A “readers” could serve as demethylases (FTO and ALKBH5). Meanwhile, both of “writers” and “erasers” dynamically fine-tune the m6A status in RNA within the nucleus. Readers (YTHDF1, YTHDF2, YTHDF3, YTHDC1, hnRNPs) are proteins that bind to m6A modifications and exert various functions including pre-mRNA splicing, pri-miRNA processing, nuclear export, RNA translation modulation and mRNA decay.