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. 2019 Nov;109(11):1540–1547. doi: 10.2105/AJPH.2019.305209
Strategy Type Operationalization
Local change agent Recruit respected members of local community who can use specific vignettes to illustrate the  importance of proposed law to testify at local board of health meetings. Includes nurses, pediatricians, teachers, etc.
Geographic proximity Enlist board members and leaders from towns that have already passed the proposed law to  approach bordering locations yet to pass. Work with smaller, more progressive border towns of major cities to pass the law first, to  “surround” locations where passage might be more challenging.
Simple messaging Develop a one-pager with the key arguments for the proposed law concisely summarized. Poll towns asking if they would like more information regarding the law. Start advocacy with  towns expressing greatest levels of interest.
Youth advocacy Work with youth advocates, such as high-school and college students affected by the proposed  law, to advocate passage.
Inoculation against counterarguments Understand the most common counterarguments and preempt them with opposing counterarguments research and data.
Press and media59 Develop op-eds and contact the press about meetings to provide local coverage.