Table 4. Standardized Beta Values for Linear Regressions Predicting Individual Differences in Treatment Effect Sizes Following Two Different Types of Intervention, Normalization and Compensation, in Simulated Networks With a Connectivity Over-Pruning Disorder (Davis, 2017).
Intervention type | ||||
Normalization | Compensation | |||
Parameter | Training set performance | Generalization performance | Training set performance | Generalization performance |
Note. N = 790 networks (only those from the population showing a behaviorally assessed performance deficit). Separate regressions were carried out for performance on the training set and generalization set. The shaded area shows parameters related to the pathological process, elevated values of the pruning threshold, permitting larger connections to be removed following the onset of pruning. Bold shows significant at p < .05. | ||||
a This parameter was set to atypical values to produce the developmental disorder. | ||||
Number of hidden units | −.016 | .012 | .011 | .023 |
Sigmoid temperature | −.040 | −.001 | −.098 | −.127 |
Processing noise | .028 | .032 | .007 | −.012 |
Learning rate | −.065 | −.086 | −.053 | −.016 |
Momentum | −.014 | −.011 | −.013 | −.011 |
Initial weight variance | −.015 | −.002 | −.031 | −.023 |
Architecture | −.110 | −.101 | −.112 | −.092 |
Learning algorithm | −.006 | −.059 | −.011 | .010 |
Response threshold | −.055 | −.063 | .000 | .036 |
Pruning onset | .022 | −.007 | .057 | .045 |
Pruning rate | −.006 | .006 | −.062 | −.075 |
Pruning thresholda | .014 | .082 | .039 | −.047 |
Weight decay rate | .021 | .007 | .036 | .025 |
Sparseness of connectivity | .027 | .065 | .049 | .052 |
Richness of environment | −.030 | −.036 | −.028 | −.028 |