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. 2019 Oct;101(4 Suppl):100–106. doi: 10.4269/ajtmh.19-0040

Table 4.

Outcomes of the Cross-Border Health Initiative in the last supplementary immunization activity in Kenya and Somalia

Year Cross-border mapping and profiling Supplemental immunization activities AFP surveillance
Number of mapped cross-border villages Number of mapped border-crossing points Number children < 5 years of age vaccinated at crossing points Number of children 0–11 months of age receiving a dose of polio vaccine for the first time Number of zero doses given among children 12–59 months of age Number of children < 1 year of age who received a dose of polio vaccine Number of children aged 12–59 months who received a polio immunization Number of AFP cases reported by border subcounties/districts
2016 185 65 12,090 114 2,038 28 9,910 3
2017 443 129 38,913 714 8,098 495 30,085 11
2018 477 134 69,289 4,069 28,577 115,933 2,135,009 53
Total 1,105 328 120,292 4,897 38,713 116,456 2,175,004 67

* Zero dose: any child younger than 2 weeks of birth who has not received oral polio vaccine.