Fig. 6.
Distribution of the length of recombinant fragments and the number of recombination events for each subspecies of X. fastidiosa. The number of recent recombination events identified by fastGEAR were plotted on the Y axis, with the lengths of recombination events plotted on the X axis using a logarithmic scale. The average length of a recombined fragment was around 1000 bp for all subspecies, with 10,000 bp being a higher limit for the recombined fragment length (subsp. morus as an exception). Higher incidence of recombination as well as the greater lengths of recombinant fragments were observed in subsp. morus (31,554 bp as the longest recombinant fragment) as well as in strains isolated from intercepted coffee plants (XFCO33, CFBP8072, and CFBP8073, marked in red, 19,280 bp as the longest recombinant fragment)