Fig. 5.
Farming Benefits Vary by Symbiont and Dispersal Strategy. For all figures, the top panel represents data from sori pre-grown on K. pneumoniae-GFP100% and the bottom panel represents sori pre-grown on Rhizobium-GFP50%, both with (fuschia, orange, and red) and without (white) supplementation of 5% Burkholderia. a Quantification of total spores harvested from food-rich and food-scarce plating conditions after transfer from K. pneumoniae-GFP100% (top) or Rhizobium-GFP50% (bottom) plating conditions. Points represent data from each individual replicate. b Representative images of individual sori streaks from fruiting bodies developed on K. pneumoniae-GFP100% (top) or Rhizobium-GFP50% (bottom) plates. Top panels are magnified sections of bottom panels. c Percentage of bacterial positive sori streaks with observable fruiting bodies. Error bars ± SE. d Number of fruiting bodies per fruiting body positive streaks for each individual replicate. All letters indicated post hoc significance within panels. For streak tests, all sori where streaked five days after plating on K. pneumoniae-GFP100% (top panels) or Rhizobium-GFP50% (bottom panels) and all data was collected five days after streaking