Fig. 1.
PnM cell line characterization. a Generation of the cell line. b Karyotyping demonstrates PnM cells to be male and diploid (N = 50). c Homolog-specific probes (HOPs) distinguishing 057-derived (magenta) from 439-drived (green) homologs for chromosomes (Chr) 2 and 3 on metaphase spreads for PnM and control (non-hybrid) clone8 cells confirmed PnM to be hybrid. Scale bar = 5 μm. d Left: Locations of heterochromatic (light blue) and euchromatic (dark blue) chromosomal regions targeted by FISH. Oval, centromere. Right: Levels of pairing in PnM cells quantified as percent of nuclei in which FISH signals, representing allelic regions, co-localized (center-to-center distance between signals ≤ 0.8 μm; error bars, s.d. for two biological replicates; N > 100 nuclei/replicate). Source data are provided as a Source Data file