Figure 2.
A role for RINRKs in the induction of early nodulation genes by Nod-factor or M. loti. A and B, RT-qPCR analysis of NIN (A) and NPL (B) induction in wild-type (WT) and rinrk mutants after addition of 10 nm NFs. C to F, RT-qPCR analysis of NIN (C), ENOD40-1(D), RbohB (E), and N6 (F) induction in wild type and rinrk1-1 3, 7, and 14 d after inoculation of M. loti. Expression is relative to mock-treated samples and normalized to Ubiquitin levels. Means and ses (± se) were derived from three biological replicates, and asterisks indicate significant differences (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, Student’s t test) between mutant and wild type at the same time points. dpi, days postinoculation; hrs, Hours.