Ciliary membrane and ciliary length phenotypes following Rab35 disruption. In wild‐type cells, Arl13b, INPP5E and Smoothened (SMO; under conditions of Shh signal activation) all localise to the ciliary membrane. Arl13b promotes the ciliary localisation of INPP5E
89, whilst limiting (or altering) the ciliary distribution of SMO
42. PI(4,5)P
2 (blue line) is enriched within the proximal portion of the ciliary membrane. In Rab35‐depleted cells, ciliary Arl13b levels are elevated, causing a concomitant increase and decrease in the ciliary levels of INPP5E and SMO, respectively. Rab35 disruption also leads to a reduction in the length of the proximal ciliary PI(4,5)P
2 signal and a reduction in the frequency of PI(4,5)P
2‐positive cilia (thin blue line). Misregulation of ciliary membrane protein composition in Rab35‐disrupted cells leads to a decrease in cilium length.