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. 2019 Jul 5;27(10):1611–1618. doi: 10.1038/s41431-019-0462-x

Table 1.

Clinical and molecular characteristics

Individual 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
TRPM3 variant
 cDNA (NM_020952.4) c.2509G>A c.2509G>A c.2509G>A c.2509G>A c.2509G>A c.2509G>A c.2509G>A c.2810C>A
 Polypeptide (NP_066003.3) p.(Val837Met) p.(Val837Met) p.(Val837Met) p.(Val837Met) p.(Val837Met) p.(Val837Met) p.(Val837Met) p.(Pro937Gln)
 Genomic DNA (NC_000009.11) g.73213379C>T g.73213379C>T g.73213379C>T g.73213379C>T g.73213379C>T g.73213379C>T g.73213379C>T g.73168145G>T
 Zygosity Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous Heterozygous
 Segregation De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo De novo
Clinical features
 Gestation (weeks) 38 40 42 39 38 + 3 40 39 Term
 Perinatal history C/S N N N N N C/S C/S (repeat)
 Birth weight (kg) NR 3.6 3.2 3.48 3.378 3.89 3.1 2.9
 Sex M M F M M M M F
 Age (years) 16 4.75 6 5.9 6.25 28 38 8.1
 Height (cm) 164.5 (Z = −1.0) 105.1 (Z = −0.7) 110 (Z = −1.0) 117 (Z = + 0.3) 116 (Z = −0.3) NR 169.5 (Z = −1.3) 115.7 (Z = −2.0)
 Weight (kg) 73.3 (Z = + 1.0) 17.6 (Z = −0.1) 17.8 (Z = −0.9) 24.5 (Z = + 1.4) 22 (Z = + 0.3) NR 63.2 (Z = −1.0) 27.8 (Z = + 0.6)
 BMI (kg/m2) 27.1 (Z = + 1.8) 15.9 (Z = + 0.5) 14.7 (Z = −0.4) 17.9 (Z = + 1.7) 16.3 (Z = + 0.7) NR 22.1 (Z = −0.0) 22.3 (Z = + 2.0)
 OFC (cm) 55.8 (15 years, 8 months) (Z = + 0.2) 49.5 (Z = −0.8) 51 (Z = + 0.2) 55 (Z = + 2.1) 53.2 (Z = + 0.7) 56 (Z = 0) 57 (Z = + 0.5) 52 (Z = + 0.2)
 Developmental delay/intellectual disability + (Severe) + (Moderate) + (Moderate-to-severe) + (Severe) + (Severe) + (Severe) + (Moderate) + (Moderate-to-severe)
 Ambulate independently (age achieved) + (5 years) + (With walker) (3 years) + (With walker) + (4.5 years) + (4 years) + (3.5 years)
 Any speech (age attained) + (5 years) + (5 years) + (2.5 years)
 Combine words/signs + + (Signs) + (Sentences)
 Toilet independently (age attained) + (9 years) NR (4 years)
 Autism-like features + NR + + + NR
 Electrographically confirmed seizures + + + + + + Unconfirmed +
 Seizure types Absence Infantile spasms GTC Subclinical, including ESES NR Absence and GTC Absence Absence
 Age of first clinical seizure Absence-like episodes in infancy; first documented EEG abnormalities at 7 years NR NR EEG abnormalities at 3 years 11 months 9 months <1 year 2 years
 Current anticonvulsant therapy Levetiracetam (initial); none (current) NR NR Diazepam qHS (with improvement in ESES) Levetiracetam None Lamotrigine
 Age of last clinical seizure NR (untreated follow-up EEG at age 15 was normal) NR NR NR 5 years, 9 months 26 years (EEG remains pathological with diffuse high-amplitude activity) NR 6 years
 Hypotonia + + + + + + (mixed tone abnormality) +
 Craniofacial gestalt Nondysmorphic Nondysmorphic Nondysmorphic NR NR NR Distinctive Nondysmorphic
 Morphological features Broad forehead, deeply set eyes, ptosis, bulbous nasal tip, micrognathia, prominent lobule of ear, tapering fingers Short philtrum, long nose, turricephaly NR Broad forehead, deeply set eyes, flat midface, short philtrum, micrognathia, broad halluces, fifth-finger clinodactyly, pectus excavatum Broad forehead, low nasal bridge, unilateral preauricular pit, short broad thumbs Micrognathia, high palate Mild facial asymmetry, ptosis, telecanthus, bulbous nasal tip, micrognathia, short neck, low hairline Broad forehead, deeply set eyes, upslanting palpebral fissures, bulbous/upturned nasal tip, short philtrum, large oral aperture, facial capillary hemangioma
 Other clinical features C1 spinal stenosis; Chiari I malformation; scoliosis; torticollis; plagiocephaly; thickened filum terminale; bilateral talipes equinovarus; strabismus (exotropia OU) EMG/NCS normal Strabismus Cryptorchidism, micropenis, bilateral talipes equinovarus Neonatal hypoglycemia; unilateral hip dysplasia; scoliosis Atlanto-occipital fusion, strabismus (exotropia), hands held ‘fisted’ until 9 months, athetoid movements in infancy, pes planus Choreoathetoid movements in infancy (age 5 months), strabismus, scoliosis
 Brain MRI Possible mild cerebral volume loss Normal Normal Normal Ventriculomegaly, nonspecific periventricular white matter hyperintensities Normal Normal Normal
 Apparent heat or pain insensitivity + (Heat) NR NR NR + (Pain) NR NR
Genetic investigations
 aCGH Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal Normal
 Fragile X Normal Normal Normal Normal N/A Normal Normal N/A
 Other (nondiagnostic) genetic investigations ID panel (170 genes), PHF6 NR MECP2, SMA NR NR NR 9 gene XLID panel, MCT8 mtDNA, POLG, DGUOK, TK2, SUCLA2, ID panel (196 genes)

aCGH microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization, DOL day of life, EMG electromyograph, ESES electrographic status epilepticus of sleep, GTC generalized tonic-clonic, ID intellectual disability, N normal, N/A not applicable, NCS nerve conduction study, NR not recorded, OFC occipitofrontal circumference, OU oculus uterque (“of both eyes”), qHS quaque hora somni (“nightly”), SMA spinal muscular atrophy, VUS variant of unclear clinical significance, XLID x-linked intellectual disability