(A) The glycemic response to a GCGR-specific agonist (GCGR-SA; 44-0410) in fed mice. Mice without the GCGR in β cells demonstrated a much more robust glycemic response compared with WT or Glp1rβcell–/– mice. The insulin response (left) and insulin/glucose ratio (right) in response to (B) PBS in WT mice or the GCGR-SA in (C) WT mice, (D) Gcgrβcell–/– mice, (E) Glp1rβcell–/– mice, and (F) Gcgr:Glp1rβcell–/– mice. *P < 0.05 vs. WT, PBS control (A) or 0-minute value (B–F); **P < 0.05 vs. WT, GCGR-SA; values are mean ± SEM. Statistical tests: Student’s paired t test (B–F) and 1-way ANOVA (A).