Fig. 5.
PfEBA165 frameshift correction reveals clusters of down-regulated genes. a Volcano plots showing significantly upregulated and down-regulated genes in the EBA165 double-edited parasite clones C10 and D3 relative to 3D7, plotted as -log10(pvalue) against log2 fold change (log2FC). Blue dots represent highly up-regulated and downregulated genes (−2 > log2FC > 2, adjusted p-value ≤ 0.05, DESeq2 Wald-test). Hashed lines indicate cutoffs of −2 > log2FC > 2. Dots with no gene IDs listed beside them are genes belonging to gene families that are known to be clonally variant in expression. b The genomic region on chromosome 4 that is downregulated in the PfEBA165 restored lines. Log2 fold change in expression relative to the wild-type 3D7 line is shown numerically above each gene; PfEBA165 is highlighted in the boxed region. c The genomic region on chromosome 11 that is down-regulated in the PfEBA165 corrected lines. Log2 fold change in expression relative to the wild-type 3D7 line is shown numerically above each gene