Fig. 4.
Nonreciprocal response R2ω depending on the applied gate voltage, current, and magnetic field. a R2ω as a function of the xy angle of the applied magnetic field 8 T measured with various gate voltages. Measurements were done with Iac = 200 μA at 8 K. b Maximum R2ω as a function of the applied Vg. Results are consistent with DC measurements displaying asymmetric Vg dependence. c R2ω as a function of the xy angle of the applied magnetic field 8 T measured at 8 K with increasing Iac. d Plot of maximum R2ω vs. Iac exhibiting linear behavior. e R2ω as a function of the xy angle of the applied magnetic field. Measurements were done at 8 K with Iac = 200 μA for various applied magnetic fields. f Maximum R2ω as a function of the applied magnetic field. R2ω shows initially a linear dependence on the applied magnetic field and a higher-order dependence at high magnetic field