Fig. 5.
Ligand-induced changes counteract light-induced structural changes. (A, Left) Superposition of the PPHK-TSD structures in the absence (blue/yellow) and presence of (magenta) reveals large structural changes in subunit A, which extend from the phosphorylation site to the dimer interface, while minimal changes are observed in subunit B. (A, Right) Close-up view shows ligand-induced motions in the conserved residues (Thr89 and Tyr108), along with a displaced loop and nRECα4. (B, Left) Side-by-side comparisons of light-induced motions (green arrows) versus -induced changes (magenta arrows) at the dimer interface. (B, Right) Cartoon illustration shows that the -induced motions in nRECα4A clash with the light-induced bending of nRECα5B. The reference Pg structure is shown in blue (subunit A) and yellow (subunit B).