Figure 5.
(A) Representative images obtained using a ×20 objective of dual-labeled neurons in the ARC colocalizing (i) kisspeptin (Kiss; green) and (ii) NKCC1 (red) and (iii) a merged image. Most ARC kisspeptin neurons colocalized NKCC1 [examples shown in (i–iii)]. Additionally, kisspeptin-positive fibers were seen in close contact with non-kisspeptin NKCC1-positive cells [e.g., arrowheads in (A)]. (B) Representative confocal 1-μm-thick optical sections obtained using a ×60 objective of neurons in the ARC colocalizing (i) kisspeptin (green) and (ii) KCC2 (red) and (iii) a merged image. Scale bars, 10 μm.