A, dynamic light-scattering experiment was performed with monodisperse population of spherical 3:1 POPE/POPG LUV. The concentrations stated indicate equimolar absolute concentrations of the two peptides individually, in μm. Upon titration with VG16KRKP and KYE28 mixtures, the vesicles showed significant changes in shape and size, as indicated by the increased PDI value and the increase in delay time (black broken line), respectively (left side). Each experimental set was done in triplicate. B,
31P solid-state NMR studies further supported VG16KRKP–KYE28–induced vesicle deformation and aggregation (right) as depicted by the change in intensity of the parallel (∼30 ppm) and perpendicular (∼−15 ppm) edges and an increased spectral span. The inset shows immediate vesicle flocculation upon addition of the peptides, whereas the control vesicles remain unchanged. In contrast, as seen on the left side, the peptide combination could only cause flocculation but no morphological changes in the bicelles prepared from E. coli total lipid extract bicelle.