FIG 6.
Unrooted phylogenetic tree representing evolutionary branches of the ETFAB family proteins. Structurally characterized proteins are labeled with stars, known bifurcating ETFs are labeled with “bi,” and the positions of ETFAa (Aa) and all of the paralogues from G. metallireducens (Gm1 to Gm9), D. toluolica (Dt1 to Dt5), and D. alkenivorans (Da1 to Da5) are indicated. Color-labeled clades are as follows: P, green; T, blue; Y, red; N, brown. Bacterial groups are as follows: A, aerobic Actinobacteria; B, aerobic Bacteroidetes; C, Chlorobi; D, Deinococcus/Thermus; E1 and E2, Enterobacteriales; F, aerobic Firmicutes; I, Chloroflexi; K, anaerobic Firmicutes; L, Limnochorda; M1 and M2, paralogues of Thermomicrobium; P, aerobic Proteobacteria; S, Syntrophus; U, Propionibacterium; V, Sporomusa/Syntrophobacter; W, Thermodesulfobacterium/Desulfobacterales. Archaeal groups are as follows: Ar, Archaeoglobus; Ba, Bathyarchaeota; Ha, Haloarchaea; He/Th, Heimdallarchaeota/Thaumarchaeota; Lo, Lokiarchaeota; MSBL, archaeal MSBL-1 phylum; Q, ETF paralogues of acidophilic aerobic archaea; Sy, Syntrophoarchaeum; Ta, Thalassoarchaea. Functionally defined groups are as follows: G, glutaryl-CoA dehydrogenase coupled; J, trimethylamine dehydrogenase coupled; N, nitrogen fixation related; O, β-oxidation related; R, benzoyl-CoA reductase related in sulfate reducers; T, toluene related; X1 and X2, potentially bifurcating; Y, bifurcating; Z, nonbifurcating paralogues. GenBank accession numbers of the respective ETFA sequences (archaea in bold) are as follows: A, EMY33520, ACS29836, NP_217544, and EFD70844; B, ABQ04505 and WP_018342142; C, ACD89420 and WP_011358480; D, EED10602 and WP_010887615; E1, EFJ87054, EFJ86261, EDP99951, KKJ88755, and EEI47268; E2, EFJ85051; F, WP_012685393, BAB06818, ALS22938, and KIX83781; G, WP_035589839, WP_012529901, WP_004513053, WP_011366019, WP_004514142, and WP_004512525; I, YP_001637120 and ABX04479; J, WP_019880640; K, WP_027363721, ABZ83674, WP_011344236, BAF59734, and WP_018212273; L, BAS26084 and WP_006904367; M1 and M2, ACM05675 and ACM04988; N, WP_011389921, ACH83433, and ANL06469; O, WP_011366021, WP_014956641, ACL05007, and ACL04905; P, CAI09844, WP_011766221, WP_053421827, WP_011748831, WP_027458991, WP_011286977, WP_014237359, WP_011046469, WP_021247815, WP_059038764, WP_011555870, WP_010918612, CEI09958, NP_000117, WP_021248657, Q12480, and WP_011390826; Q, CAC11358, WP_011177083, and AAY79707; R, WP_014955896 and KGO33720; S, ABC78522 and SEL95069; T, WP_004511541, WP_012647507, WP_014955682, WP_014956022, KGO32932, WP_027716136, ADB04301, and WP_054702711; U, CBL55769; V, SDF02418 and WP_011700714; W, WP_014958616, WP_049674793, ACL06852, ACL05721, WP_035218962, and AEH23377; X1, WP_014355959, ABZ85146, EDK35507, WP_077744614, WP_015043044, KXT39316, and ADA67362; X2, CAC11474, AAY79731, WP_048060312, WP_013604503, WP_013266183, ACB40911, WP_013679410, and ABO09547; Y, AJY69063, WP_004514075, WP_004514036, WP_011366012, KPK44661, WP_014355266, ADB46955, WP_014017062, WP_044503462, EDK32511, WP_066047471, WP_003428573, WP_003437556, WP_074183331, WP_057979362, WP_011391607, EFW36455, WP_076488762, BAR51057, KXH77764, and KPQ43842; Z, ADB47358 and CCC74206; Ar, WP_015591020; Ba, KPV62836; Ha, WP_008848967, WP_074792744, and ELY25127; He, OLS26127; Lo, KKK41863; MBSL, KXA89304; Sy, OFV66880; Ta, ANV79625; Th, AIF20582.