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. 2019 Oct 8;2019(10):CD001408. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001408.pub2

Moore 2008.

Methods Method of randomisation: randomisation done using a computer‐generated sequence. Randomisation stratified in blocks of 4 by unilateral or bilateral spasticity.
Blinding: both participants and assessors blinded to the intervention
Intention‐to‐treat analysis: yes
Loss of follow‐up: 6 children lost to follow‐up and 19 children "withdrew from treatment during the study because they discerned no benefits from the injections"
BoNT‐A group:
  • Withdrew from treatment (n = 9)

  • Lost to follow‐up (n = 2)

Placebo group:
  • Withdrew from treatment (n = 10)

  • Lost to follow‐up (n = 4)

Unit of analysis: child
Participants Place: 1 centre in the UK
Period of study: patients recruited from October 1997 to July 1999
Number assigned: 64
Number assessed: 58
  • 30 BoNT‐A group

  • 28 placebo group

Inclusion criteria:
  • Children with CP validated by a paediatric neurologist

  • Spasticity of 1 or both legs

  • Excessive involuntary muscle activity

  • Age from 2 to 6 years (2 to 8 years if targeting hamstrings)

  • Ability and willingness to attend for trial procedures

Exclusion criteria:
  • Other diseases, handicaps, or situations likely to prejudice treatment or assessment

  • Unless there were other eligible muscles, patients with fixed contractures were excluded

  • Previous treatments with BoNT‐A

  • Contraindications to BoNT‐A

  • BoNT‐A group (mean/SD): 5.30/1.67 years

  • Placebo group (mean/SD): 4.82/1.45 years

  • BoNT‐A group: 17 males; 13 females

  • Placebo group: 19 males; 9 females

Motor distribution:
  • BoNT‐A group: 20 diplegia; 5 hemiplegia; 5 quadriplegia

  • Placebo group: 19 diplegia; 4 hemiplegia; 5 quadriplegia

  • Not described

Interventions BoNT‐A group:
  • Multiple BoNT‐A (abobotulinumtoxinA) injections cycles into target muscles

    • Maximum dose of 15 U/kg in the first cycle

    • The maximum dose increased by 5 U/kg every 3‐month cycle, until a total maximum dose of 30 U/kg

    • The injections were administered every 3 months, if clinically indicated, for 2 years

  • Target muscles were selected according to an individualised clinical evaluation

  • Children received usual care with physical therapy, orthosis, or orthopaedic surgery

Placebo group:
  • Injection of saline solution in the same conditions as above

Outcomes Length of follow‐up:
  • Follow‐up of 2 years

  • Children were seen at baseline, weeks 2 and 6, and 3 months

  • This basic pattern continued for up to 8 times over 2 years

  • Outcomes had major assessments at 1 year and 2 years

Primary outcomes:
  • GMFM (changes in total and goal scores at 2 years)

  • PEDI (at 2 years)

Secondary outcomes:
  • GMFM (at 1 year)

  • PEDI (at 2 years)

  • Weight change over 2 years

  • Adverse events

Note: range of motion was not considered an outcome by the study author, although it was described and was used for the purposes of this review.
Notes Comments: none
Source of funding: the charity Action Medical Research funded this study (grant AP0622)
Conflicts of interest: APM has received payment from Ipsen, UK, and other companies promoting botulinum toxins for advice and for educational help. His unit has received funds from them to support other research with botulinum toxins. The remaining study authors report no conflicts.
Risk of bias
Bias Authors' judgement Support for judgement
Random sequence generation (selection bias) Low risk Comment: randomisation was done using a computer‐generated sequence
Allocation concealment (selection bias) Low risk Comment: central allocation
Blinding of participants and personnel (performance bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: participants and personnel were blinded to the intervention
Blinding of outcome assessment (detection bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: outcome assessors were blinded to the intervention
Incomplete outcome data (attrition bias) 
 All outcomes Low risk Comment: no missing outcome data
Selective reporting (reporting bias) Unclear risk Comment: study protocol not available. It appears that the relevant outcomes were addressed.
Other bias Low risk Comment: no other sources of bias identified