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. 2019 Oct 8;2019(10):CD001408. doi: 10.1002/14651858.CD001408.pub2


Trial name or title Public title: The impact of Botox on muscle structure and function in children with CP
Scientific title: A RCT of the efficacy of first intramuscular botulinum toxin type‐A treatment on muscle structure and function in children with CP: a multicenter trial
Methods Multicentre RCT with 1 group receiving treatment at baseline and the other after a 6‐month waiting period (control)
Participants Ambulatory children with CP and lower limb spasticity
Target sample size: 50
Inclusion criteria:
  • Confirmed diagnosis of unilateral or bilateral spastic‐type CP with a predominant spastic motor type and more involvement of the lower limb

  • Aged 2 to 5 years at study entry

  • GMFCS classification of I‐II independently ambulant

  • Maximum passive ankle dorsiflexion greater than or equal to −5 degrees (5 degrees plantarflexed)

  • Prescribed intramuscular BoNT‐A injection into the lower leg for spasticity treatment

  • Sufficient co‐operation and cognitive understanding to participate in the assessments

  • Either gender

Exclusion criteria:
  • Predominant lower limb dystonia motor type

  • Previous lower limb intramuscular BoNT‐A injections

  • Previous lower limb surgical interventions

  • Contraindications for BoNT/A injection treatment

Interventions BoNT‐A injections into gastrocnemius, soleus, and tibialis posterior muscles versus control group where no BoNT‐A was offered for a waiting period of 6 months
Outcomes Muscle growth, gait quality, walking speed/step length, lower limb anaerobic power: ramp test, habitual physical activity
Starting date 9 November 2015
Contact information Lee Barber (email:
Notes Comment: none
Status: recruiting
Date completed: not reported
Last updated: 2 June 2017
Sponsor: CP Alliance Research Foundation