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. 2019 Oct 1;10:1043. doi: 10.3389/fneur.2019.01043

Table 2.

The detailed results of cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (cVEMP) test.

References Groups No. of included ears Acoustic stimuli Presence of response Absent response Abnormal cVEMP
No. p13 latency (mean ± SD, ms) n23 latency (mean ± SD, ms) Amplitude (mean ± SD, uv) cVEMP AR (mean ± SD,%) NO. Criteria No.
Akkuzu et al. (10) BPPV 30 AC 500 Hz 100 dB nHL tone burst 30 14.3 ± 2.5 22.4 ± 2.4 39.8 ± 22.6 NA 0 1. p13 latency>15.7 ms or n23 latency>25.9 ms;
2. AR>59.7%;
3. NO response
Control 34 34 13.7 ± 1.0 22.1 ± 1.9 57.9 ± 33.8 19.3 ± 20.2 0 2
Yang et al. (15) BPPV 41 AC 95 dB clicks 30 14.99 ± 1.89 24.31 ± 2.26 NA NA 11 NA NA
Control 184 184 13.25 ± 0.93 22.62 ± 1.76 NA NA 0 NA
Korres et al. (14) BPPV 30 AC 500 Hz 95 dB HL tone burst 27 17.30 ± 2.68 25.24 ± 2.87 NA NA 3 1. p13 latency>19.50 ms or n23 latency>30.22 ms;
2. NO response
Control 60 60 16.32 ± 1.59 24.62 ± 2.8 NA NA 0 5
Longo et al. (25) BPPV 23 AC 500 Hz 127 dB peSPL logon 18 14.79 ± 2.2 21.31 ± 1.81 16.01 ± 5.09 NA 5 1. p13 latency>17.09 ms or n23 latency>24.32 ms; 2. AR>36%;
3. NO response
Control 48 48 14.27 ± 1.41 21.4 ± 1.46 17.78 ± 5.08 NA 0 2
Eryaman et al. (26) BPPV 31 AC 500 Hz 100 dB nHL tone burst 24 15.75 ± 1.80 NA NA NA 7 1. p13 latency>17.21 ms;
2. NO response
Control 60 60 14.95 ± 1.13 NA NA NA 0 0
NAkahara et al. (24) BPPV 12 AC 500 Hz 125 dB SPL tone burst NA NA NA NA NA NA 1. p13 latency>17.7 ms or n23 latency>27.3 ms;
2. AR>41.6%;
3. NO response
Control 24 NA NA NA NA NA NA 4
Talaat et al. (23) BPPV 112 AC 500 Hz 95 dB nHL tone burst NA NA NA NA NA NA 1. p13 latency>14.2 ms;
2. AR>32.6%;
3. NO response
Control 200 200 12.6 ± 0.8 NA NA 19.4 ± 6.3 0 1
Singh et al. (19) BPPV 31 AC 500 Hz 125 dB SPL tone burst 30 16.27 ± 1.48 24.51 ± 0.94 5.86 ± 2.38* 15.68 ± 5.15 1 NA NA
Control 31 30 15.75 ± 0.78 24.67 ± 0.78 6.55 ± 2.35* 16.15 ± 4.47 1 NA
Kim et al. (13) BPPV 102 AC 1,000 Hz 100 dB nHL tone burst 92 14.3 ± 1.5 NA 265.4 ± 165.3 22.1 ± 17.9 10 1. p13 latency>16.0 ms;
2. AR>25%; 3. NO response
Control 100 94 13.2 ± 1.4 NA 395.6 ± 258.9 9.8 ± 7.6 6 NA
Karatas et al. (22) BPPV 36 AC 500 Hz 100 dB nHL tone burst 36 14.2 ± 1.7 21.9 ± 2.0 0.6 ± 0.3* 16.6 ± 12.8 0 NA NA
Control 40 40 14.0 ± 1.3 21.8 ± 1.7 1.0 ± 0.4* 16.7 ± 13.4 0 NA
Xu et al. (21) BPPV 30 AC 500 Hz 90 dB nHL tone burst 21 NA NA NA NA 9 1. NO response 9
Control 30 28 NA NA NA NA 2 2
Pascual et al. (20) BPPV 67 AC 500 Hz 100 dB tone burst NA NA NA NA NA NA 1. AR>33%;
2. NO response
Control 60 NA NA NA NA NA NA 10

cVEMP amplitudes were corrected using the background electromyographic activities of the sternocleidomastoid.

BPPV, benign paroxysmal positional vertigo; cVEMP, cervical vestibular evoked myogenic potentials; NA, not available; SD, standard deviation; No., number; AR, asymmetry ratio; AC, air-conducted; HL, hearing level; nHL, normal hearing level; SPL, sound pressure level; peSPL, peak equivalent sound pressure level.