Electrophysiological profile of MilIA [∆1,M2R, M9G, N10K, H11K]. The electrophysiological profile showed the ACh-evoked current mediated by α1β1γδ, α4β2, α7, α9α10, α4β4 and α1β1δε nAChRs. The nAChRs were gated by a variable time duration pulse of ACh (red) (200 µM for α1β1γδ, α4β2, α4β4, α1β1δε; 100 µM for α7; 500 µM for α9α10) for the different nAChR subtypes at 2 mL/min. The first and the second peak amplitude represented the absence and presence of 1 µM of MilIA [∆1,M2R, M9G, N10K, H11K], respectively. The conopeptide was applied for 60 s at 2 mL/min. (blue), immediately followed by the addition of a variable time duration pulse of ACh (red).