Table 1.
Summary of main potential serum biomarkers in idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF).
Biomarker | Definition | Significance |
Alveolar Epithelial Cell Dysfunction | ||
KL-6 1/MUC1 | Glycoprotein mainly expressed at the extracellular membrane surface of type II pneumocytes [10]. | Increased serum levels during IPF acute exacerbation [11]. Serum levels correlate with IPF severity and prognosis [11]. Biomarker indicative of the response to nintedanib treatment [12]. Promotion of lung fibroblast migration and proliferation, FMT 2 and EMT 3 [13,14]. |
CA15-3 | Central protein core of MUC1 | Serum levels significantly higher in patients with IPF [9]. Elevated serum levels correlate with decreased total lung capacity, decreased diffusing capacity of carbon monoxide and high resolution computed tomography findings [9]. |
CA125 | Peptide epitope of MUC16 | Rising concentrations over 3 months are associated with increased risk of IPF mortality [8]. |
Surfactant proteins (SP-A, SP-D and SP-C) | Lipoprotein complexes synthesized and secreted by type II pneumocytes. | Elevated serum levels in IPF patients [15]. Serum SP-A and SP-D levels are predictors of IPF prognosis [16,17]. Mutations on the genes encoding for SP-C and SP-A2 have been described within families of patients with pulmonary fibrosis [18]. |
MUC5B | Secreted mucin produced mainly in mucous cells of the submucosal glands [19]. | A common gain-of-function promoter variant (rs35705950) has been reported in 30–35% of IPF patients [20]. |
Extracellular Matrix Remodeling and Fibroproliferation | ||
Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP-1 and MMP-7) | Zinc-dependent peptidases that are mainly responsible for ECM 4 degradation. | Elevated levels in the plasma, BALF 5 and tissue of IPF patients [21]. Elevated MMP-7 serum levels correlate with disease severity [21] |
LOXL2 6 | Enzymes that facilitate the cross-linking of type 1 collagen molecules and stabilizes ECM. | Serum levels are correlated to IPF progression [22]. |
Periostin | Protein secreted by bronchial epithelial cells and that promotes ECM deposition and mesenchymal cell proliferation. | Elevated serum levels in IPF patients. Serum levels correlate with IPF physiological progression [23] |
Immune Disfunction | ||
CCL18 7 | Small protein mainly secreted by monocytes, macrophages and dendritic cells that acts as a chemoattractant [24] and has an important role stimulating fibroblasts to synthesise collagen in fibrotic lung diseases [25]. | Serum level is a predictor of IPF outcome and mortality [26]. |
IL-8 8 | Cytokine highly chemo-attractant for neutrophils | Negative correlation between IL-8, pulmonary function tests [27] and survival [28]. |
YKL-40 | Chitinase-like protein produced from alveolar macrophages and type II pneumocytes which regulate proliferation of different cell types. | Serum and BALF YKL-40 levels are predictors of IPF survival [29] |
TLR3 9 | Receptors that mediate the innate immune response to infection and tissue injury [30]. | TLR3 L412F polymorphism is associated with a significantly greater risk of mortality and an accelerated decline in FVC 10 [31]. |
TLR9 11 | Receptors that mediate the innate immune response to infection and tissue injury [30]. | Higher concentrations of TLR9 in surgical lung biopsies from IPF rapidly progressive patients than in tissue from IPF slowly progressing patients [32]. |
TOLLIP 12 | Inhibitory adaptor protein within TLRs involved in the regulation of the innate immune system. | Significant correlation between response to N-acetylcysteine therapy and the rs3750920 polymorphism [33]. The rs5743890 minor allele is protective and associated with reduced susceptibility to IPF [34]. |
1 KL-6: Krebs von den Lungen-6; 2 FMT: fibroblast to mesenchymal transition; 3 EMT: epithelial to mesenchymal transition; 4 ECM: extracellular matrix; 5 BALF: bronchoalveolar lavage fluid; 6 LOXL2: lysyl oxidase-like 2; 7 CCL18: CC chemokine ligand 18; 8 IL-8: interleukin-8; 9 TLR3: Toll-like receptor 3; 10 FVC: forced vital capacity; 11 TLR9: Toll-like receptor 9; 12 TOLLIP: Toll-interacting protein.