Fig. 3.
Spatial genetic structure of 323 C. mauritiana trees across 34 sampling sites in Reunion Island, estimated from 3953 SNP markers. a Unweighted NJ tree based on simple matching distances. Correspondence between the population number and the name of the population are listed in Table 1. Colors distinguish the main geographical sampling regions. Red: east and north-east; Blue: north-west; Yellow and brown: west; Green: south. b Group assignment from sNMF at K = 7. Biogeographic regions associated with the clusters are represented by seven colors. Each individual tree is represented by a bar and coefficient ancestry relative to each cluster is indicated by colored segments. W western genetic group, NE north-eastern genetic group, NW north-western genetic group, E eastern genetic group, SW south-western genetic group, SE south-eastern genetic group, C central genetic group. c Spatial representation of the genetic structure of C. mauritiana populations obtained from sNMF analysis (K = 7). Each sampling site is represented by a dot. Colors distinguish the genetic groups inferred from sNMF. Yellow stars indicate source populations showing admixed individuals