a Morphological linear measures selected for wing size and corporal size analysis (R2 and R4 = veins); b forewing (above) and hindwing (below) landmarks recorded for each Pantala flavescens. Wing landmarks are: 1, costal vein base (AX1); 2, nodus; 3, end of pterostigma; 4, end of vein R2; 5, end of vein R3; and 6, end of R4. Additional landmarks in the forewing are 7–9, in the supertriangle (t) area; 10, in the arculus; 11, in the radial fork; and 12, at the margin of the anal field. Additional landmarks in the hindwing are 7–15, in the anal loop area; 16, at the extreme of the triangle area, 17, in the radial fork; and 18, at the lower margin of the anal field