Fig. 4.
SEM micrographs of sclerotic dentine surfaces (magnification, 2000× and 5000×). A × 2000, a × 5000: Control group and sclerotic dentine without any treatments (shallow grooves were observed (arrows)); B × 2000, b × 5000: dentine after 35% phosphoric acid treatment (sclerotic casts extending from open dentine tubules are shown (arrows)); C × 2000, c × 5000: dentine after 5% NaClO treatment (the surface did not exhibit any obvious changes); D × 2000, d × 5000: dentine after 15% EDTA treatment (demineralized holes and peritubular dentine were observed (arrows)); E × 2000, e × 5000: dentine after 15% EDTA+ 5% NaClO treatment (an increased surface roughness was observed); F × 2000, f × 5000: dentine after 15% EDTA+ 10% NaClO treatment (an increased surface roughness was observed); G × 2000, g × 5000: dentine after 35% phosphoric acid+ 5% NaClO treatment (a rough surface similar to that of normal dentine in N7 group); H × 2000, h × 5000: dentine after 35% phosphoric acid+ 10% NaClO treatment (a clear and rugged surface was observed)