Fig. 9.
The effect of general anesthetic on SCEPs recorded from an epidural electrode at Th8 after TCMS. When the subject was awake and at rest, the SCEP had a D wave followed by four I waves (I1,I2,I3, andI4) (top traces). After the subject was anesthetized (0.5% isoflurane, 66% N2O, and 33% O2), theI1 wave was delayed and diminished, and theI2,I3, and I4waves were absent (bottom traces) when compared with that obtained during the awake state. In contrast, the Dwave was relatively unaffected by anesthesia. TCMSintensity (SCEP T + 40% of the maximum output of the stimulator) and stimulus coil position were the same in the awake and anesthetized conditions.