Fig. 1.
Expression and regulated release of CGRP from cultured trigeminal ganglia neurons. A, Fluorescent micrograph of CGRP-immunoreactive trigeminal neurons 7 d after plating on poly-d-lysine and laminin. B, The relative amount of CGRP secreted in 1 hr from untreated control cells (CON) or cells treated with 60 mmpotassium chloride (KCl), a cocktail of inflammatory agents (IFC), or 10 μmcapsaicin (CAP) is shown. The mean basal rate of CGRP release was 148 ± 5 pg/hr per dish (SE, n = 36). The secretion rate for each condition was normalized to the basal rate for each dish. The means and the SE from at least four independent experiments are shown. *p < 0.001 when compared with control levels.