Fig. 5.
Camera lucida drawings and histogram showing that after ovariectomy at 2 months of age, dentate granule cells in 16- to 20-month-old females respond to short-term replacement of estrogens whether they have been deprived of estrogens long-term or had low levels of long-term EB replacement. A, Estrogen-deprived state. B, Short-term EB replacement after estrogen deprivation. C, Long-term low-estradiol replacement.D, Short-term estrogen replacement after long-term low-estradiol replacement. Note how spine density increases after short-term replacement regardless of whether the neurons are deprived or have long-term low-dose replacement. E, Histogram of spine density. Scale for A–C is the same.ST, Short-term; LT, long-term;EB, estradiol benzoate. n = 4 for all conditions.