Fig. 5.
Schematics of the caudal aspect of the SCN depicting the area of damage (gray) in hamsters with partial SCN lesions in one animal with sparing and three animals with ablation of the CaBP subregion. The approximate outline of the SCN is indicated by broken lines. For each animal, the drawings show sections stained for VIP and CaBP. For each peptide, the schematics are shown at three levels, separated by 200 μm through areas rostral to, centered in, and caudal to the CaBP subnucleus. Animal B54-CA23 (top left panel) had a few CaBP cells remaining on one side (arrow). This animal was rhythmic after the lesion. For the other three animals, much of the SCN is spared, and VIP cells and fibers were seen, but CaBP-IR cells were not detected. These three animals were arrhythmic after the lesion.