Fig. 7.
Photomicrographs of coronal brain sections showing the transplant containing the SCN in animal B33-Q67 (behavior shown in Fig. 8B). A, The graft (borders are indicated by a dashed line) lies caudal to the lesion site. There is a plexus of NP staining (arrow) indicating the presence of the donor SCN. B, In a section 50 μm from A, no VIP plexus was seen within the graft. C, Section adjacent to Bshowing a cluster of CaBP cells at the same level as the NP plexus.D–F, Higher magnifications of the areas marked by arrows in A–C, respectively. D, Plexus of NP fibers within the graft.E, Absence of VIP staining. F, CaBP subnucleus within the graft, surrounded by a space devoid of CaBP cells (asterisks). Scale bars: A–C, 200 μm;D–F, 20 μm.