Fig. 13.
Current amplitudes increase with resonant frequency. A, Peak inward current was determined for oscillatory hair cells in an external medium containing 5 mm [Ba+2]ext and 10 mm 4-AP, after first recording their resonant frequency at −53 mV in control solution (standard internal pipette solution). Peak barium currents occurred at approximately a mean potential of −23 ± 3 mV and were observed to be larger in hair cells exhibiting higher resonant frequencies. The data are plotted on a semi-log scale along with data for isolated hair cells of the turtle basilar papilla (open diamonds) taken from Art and Fettiplace (1987) to emphasize the similarities in IBa amplitude distribution exhibited by these two preparations. Both lines drawn by eye; solid line, frog AP; dotted line, turtle BP. B, Outward conductance amplitude, corrected for inward current amplitude, was calculated and plotted against the measured resonant frequency at −53 mV. For the cells included fromA, inward barium currents (−20 mV) were divided by 2.5 (see Results) to provide an estimate of the calcium current amplitude, and this value was subtracted from the measured steady-state outward current at −20 mV to produce an estimate of the total outward current amplitude (filled circles). In cells in which the calcium current was isolated using a TEA–4-AP cocktail (open circles), the calcium current amplitude at −20 mV was subtracted directly from the outward current amplitude at −20 mV. Both sets of data produce a similar description of the rise ingK(Ca) amplitude with resonant frequency. Conductances rather than currents are presented here to correct for differences in external K+ concentrations; barium current experiments were performed in 5 mm[K+]ext, and the TEA–4-AP experiments were performed in 2 mm[K+]ext. Curve fit by eye.