Fig. 2.
Effect of d-amphetamine or saline pretreatment on latencies to mount and intromit. A, Kaplan–Meier curve for mount latency (left panel) and intromission latency (right panel) in experiment 1. Independent survival analyses showed a significant difference between sensitized (AMPH) and nonsensitized (CONT) rats with respect to mount latency (Log rank statistic = 9.43; p = 0.0021) and intromission latency (Log rank statistic = 10.48; p = 0.0012). B, Kaplan–Meier curve for mount latency (left panel) and intromission latency (right panel) in experiment 2. Independent survival analyses showed a significant difference between sensitized (AMPH) and nonsensitized (CONT) rats with respect to mount latency (Log rank statistic = 6.12; p = 0.0134) and intromission latency (Log rank statistic = 4.38;p = 0.0364).