Fig. 2.
Repeated-pairing LTP of thalamoamygdala inputs.A, Example of one cell's response to 10 stimuli (320 μA) delivered at 30 Hz is shown. B, The response of the same cell when 1 nA, 5 msec depolarizations follow each EPSP in the train (repeated pairing) is shown. Traces are averages of 15 responses. C, Top, At time 0, this repeated pairing (short solidbar) was given 15 times at 10 sec intervals. In control conditions (filledcircles) this induced LTP (n = 7). Including 10 mm BAPTA in the recording pipette (opencircles) prevented this LTP (n = 5). Bottom,Traces before and 25 min after repeated pairing from individual experiments in each case are shown and are averages of 10 responses (150 and 400 μA stimulation intensity for control and BAPTA, respectively).