Neurite extension of PC12 cells expressing fAPP695 after treatment with NGF. PC12 cells stably expressing fAPP695wt (WT), fAPP695T668A (T668A), or fAPP695T668E (T668E), and nontransfected cells (PC12) were cultured in the presence of NGF for the indicated times. a, The numbers of neurites was divided by the cell number examined (n = 100).b, The length (in micrometers) of the neurites was measured, and the average length of neurites from 100 cells is indicated. Experiments were performed using five independent clones of cell lines expressing the various constructs, and the averages and SD are shown (n = 5). Asterisksindicate statistical significance by standard t test relative to fAPP695wt (*p < 0.01; **p < 0.005; ***p < 0.001).