Fig. 4.
A, Mean trials to criterion on acquisition of the response discrimination after vehicle or 2% tetracaine infusions into the prelimbic–infralimbic areas. The treatment received on this test is underlined for each group. VEH, Saline; TET, 2% tetracaine.B, Mean trials to criterion on the shift to a place discrimination after vehicle or 2% tetracaine infusions into the prelimbic–infralimbic areas. The treatment received on this test isunderlined for each group. *p < 0.05 versus vehicle-injected groups. C, Mean number of trials to perseverate and complete learning on the shift to a place discrimination after vehicle or 2% tetracaine injections into the prelimbic–infralimbic areas. ■, VEH- VEH; ▨, VEH- TET; ▧, TET- VEH.Underlined is the treatment received during the place discrimination. *p < 0.05 versus vehicle-injected groups.