Effect of the T704M mutation on hSk6M1 currents. Family of traces from representative HEK 293 cells expressing either WT (A) or T704M (B) channels. The currents were elicited by 40 msec test pulses to various potentials from −60 to 30 mV. Cells were held at −100 mV. C, Peak current–voltage relationship for WT (filled squares, n = 8) and T704M (open squares, n = 7). D, The steady-state fast inactivation curves for WT (filled circles, n = 12) and T704M (open circles, n = 10) channels with 500 msec inactivating prepulses are shown. Cells were held at prepulse potentials over the range of −130 to 10 mV before a test pulse to −10 mV for 20 msec. Current is plotted as a fraction of peak current. Currents were converted to conductance, from the current–voltage curve shown in Figure 7C, for WT (filled squares, n = 8) and T704M (open squares, n = 7), and fit was made according to the Boltzmann function.