Fig. 5.
Furosemide reduced the difference of reversal potentials of IGABA between dendrites and soma. A, Current–voltage relationship of somatic (A1) and dendritic (A2)IGABA could be fitted by a linear regression line (15 mm [A−]pip and 2 mm [K+]o). Furosemide shifted the current–voltage relationship to more positive values, whereas the slope conductance was unchanged. The effect was reversible on washout. EGABA in the absence of furosemide was more negative for dendriticIGABA than for somaticIGABA. In furosemide, the difference between dendritic and somatic EGABA was small, indicating that the change of EGABA was more pronounced at the dendrites than at the soma. B,Bar charts summarize meanEGABA (and SEM) for the different recording conditions. The number of cells is nine for somaticIGABA and six for dendriticIGABA.