Fig. 9.
Cl− homeostasis in cultured neurons can be explained by the operation of an electroneutral K+–Cl− cotransporter and the Gibbs–Donnan equilibrium. A, [Cl−]i was calculated fromEGABA listed in Table 2. Concentrations of the inorganic anions in the patch pipette were as indicated.Arrows indicate changes of [A−]i calculated from changes inEGABA of somatic or dendriticIGABA induced by furosemide.Letters correspond to driving forces for the K+–Cl− cotransporter derived from the energy profiles shown in B. B, Plot of the driving force for the K+–Cl− cotransporter as a function of [K+]o for different [Cl−]i (taken fromEGABA calculated for dendrites inA). Calculations are as described in Material and Methods. Positive values indicate outward transport.