Cells with auditory nerve input alone have rapidly gating calcium-permeable AMPA receptors. Plotting the average decay time constant (±SEM) versus the average amplitude of events after PhTX relative to before shows that those cells with rapidly decaying mEPSCs (bushy, T-stellate, octopus, and tuberculoventral cells) are also sensitive to PhTX. Those cells with slower mEPSC decays (fusiform and cartwheel cells) were insensitive to PhTX. Thex-axis was calculated from average amplitude values for each cell. The decay time constants represent the average decay of events in each cell before the application of PhTX, kainate, and Cd2+. The amplitudes were not changed significantly in fusiform and cartwheel cells (p < 0.01; Student’s t test) but were not identical before and after PhTX (AmplitudePhTX/AmplitudeNormal ≠ 1).