Fig. 2.
Spike-shuffling methods. Panela, Original parallel spike train. Three repetitions of the same spike sequence (0, 1, 2, 3) are shown. Panelb, Elimination of temporal correlation between the spikes by shuffling the interspike intervals (ISI) within each spike train.Graytics indicate the original spikes.Panelc, Spike displacement. Spikes of the original spike train (graytics) are randomly shifted in time by 0–50 msec (Δt;blacktics). Although the interspike intervals may change somewhat by this method, the field modulation of the neurons is better preserved. Paneld,Shuffling of spikes across spike trains. This method preserves population modulation of spike timing but may reduce firing-rate differences between the original spike trains. A fourth method (phase-invariant spike shuffling) is illustrated below (see Fig.5).