p75NTR-IR processes have an overlapping distribution with both PARV- and NPY-containing neuronal profiles in the dentate gyrus. A,p75NTR-labeled puncta and fine varicose fibers are densest in supragranular and infragranular cell layer (GCL) (arrows) and more diffuse in the central portions of the hilus (HIL) (arrowhead) and molecular layer (ML).B, Most PARV-IR somata and dendrites are in the infragranular region of the hilus (arrows), whereas PARV-IR fibers and puncta are dense in the granule cell layer. Scattered processes and somata with PARV immunoreactivity are seen within the molecular layer and central hilus. C,Numerous NPY-IR perikarya and dendrites are located within the central regions of the hilus (arrows). NPY-IR fibers are also visible in the hilus (arrowhead) Scale bars:A–C, 400 μm.