Dual in situ hybridization to show coexpression of α1b ADR mRNA in CRH mRNA-containing cells of the PVN. A, C, CRH mRNA in the PVN, labeled with a nonradioactive (digoxigenin) probe, viewed under bright-field illumination. B, D, α1b ADR mRNA in the PVN, labeled with a radioactive (35S) probe, viewed under dark-field illumination. Thebox in B represents the approximate area over which cells were counted on each side of the PVN.Arrows in C and D indicate examples of double-labeled cells. Scale bars: A, B, 400 μm; C, D, 50 μm. Subdivisions of the PVN:dp, dorsal parvocellular part; mpd,medial parvocellular part, dorsal zone; mpv, medial parvocellular part, ventral zone; pml, posterior magnocellular part, lateral zone.