Fig. 2.
Photomicrographs of retrograde label within DLM produced by injections of RDA into different subregions of lMANcore showing comparable patterns of topography within the DLMDL→lMANcore circuit in birds of different ages. Injection sites in lMAN (black) are shown in coronal schematics in the left column, anddashed outlines depict Nissl-defined borders of DLM in each photomicrograph on the right. Inset(below the lMAN schematics) demonstrates the oval dorsolateral subregion of DLM (DLMDL) and the crescent-shaped ventromedial part (DLMVM). A, Retrograde label in the ventral and intermediate parts of DLMDL resulting from an injection into ventral intermediate and lateral lMANcore in an adult bird. B, An injection of RDA into dorsolateral lMANcore produced retrograde label specifically within the ventral intermediate part of DLMDL in a 35 d bird. C, RDA-labeled neurons localized to ventrolateral DLMDL from an injection into dorsolateral lMANcore in a 20 d bird. Retrograde label did not extend into the ventromedial subregion of DLM or into more dorsal subregions of DLMDL in any of these birds. Scale bar, 200 μm.