Fig. 1.
Schematic diagram of the murine gustducin promoter and reporter constructs used to map promoter elements.a, Diagram of the 5′ end of the murine α-gustducin locus, including its promoter region (yellow,red, and blue boxes): first exon, including the 5′ untranslated region (open box), the protein-coding region (filled box), and the translation initiation codon (ATGmet). Restriction endonuclease sites used to generate promoter mapping constructs are indicated. b, Map of the GUS-lacZ reporter constructs. Various segments from the gustducin locus (a) were cloned upstream of thelacZ expression cassette (purple box). The lacZ gene was modified to include a consensus ribosome initiation site, an in-frame ATGmet initiation codon, and an SV40 poly adenylation sequence (cross-hatched box).Arrows indicate transcriptional orientation. The 2.5 kb fragment (a) was cloned upstream of thehsp68 minimal promoter to generate the GUS2.5+hsp68-lacZ reporter construct.