a) Typical low-dose cryo-EM micrograph of the ClpXP1/2 dimer from
L. monocytogenes. Some particles are highlighted with
ovals. Scale bar, 100nm b) Typical reference-free 2D class
averages. Arrows indicate additional densities corresponding to ZBDs at the
interface between two ClpX hexamers. Scale bar, 20nm c) Ribbon
Model of ClpP1 (yellow), ClpP2 (green) and ClpX (orange) superimposed with the
cryo-EM density map of the ClpXP1/2 dimer (white and transparent). The upper
inset shows the complex shown as slice at the position of the axial pore entry
of the upper ClpXP1/2 complex. ClpX and ClpX-ZBD densities are colored magenta
and gray transparent, respectively. The arrow indicates the spiral arrangement
of the ZBD domains. The lower inset shows four copies of ZBD-dimers (PDB: 1OVX)
placed into the cryo-EM density at the interface between the ClpX hexamers. The
low resolution density did not allow automated rigid-body fitting, therefore the
dimers were placed manually and interconnected as proposed in 26. d) Cartoon
depicting ClpXP1/2 dimerization via the ZBD domains of two opposing ClpX
hexamers. Arrows indicate the flexibility of the complex.